Can My Dog Go Upstairs After Neutering?


Recently neutered your dog? How many days dogs should be bedridden? Can they roam around the house? Can my dog go upstairs after neutering?

Dog Going Upstairs
Photo by at.rma on Shutterstock

In this blog, all your questions are answered. We have talked about everything related to can a dog climb stairs after neuter, can they jump or not, etc.

Read more to explore your answers!

Can a Dog Climb Stairs After Neutering?

The answer is no, it is not recommended to let your dog climb stairs or roam around the house right after being neutered. As Per prckcNo running, jumping, climbing stairs or doing anything other than walking on a leash for the next 10 days.” It is advisable to keep an eye on your pooch, and not let him do any physical activity. Because too much movement can lose stitches, and open wound can lead to infections. Plus, excessive movement can slow down the recovery process.

Dog Climbing The Stairs
Photo by Leszek Glasner on iStock

After neutering, monitor your pup closely, and if he complains about pain, or if he is not comfortable. In such case, check out his stitches and consult the vet immediately.[1]


Can I carry my dog after neutering or spaying?

Yes, you can carry your pup after neutering, but only in the case of an emergency. This is because it is advisable not to keep any type of pressure on his body as there are chances of stitches getting open and will hurt him.

What happens if my dog jumps after being neutered?

Well, no need to worry if there is a small jump after being neutered. But jumping should be discouraged because physical activities after being neutered can lead to major injuries and can be dangerous.

Can my dog walk around the house after being neutered?

No, you can’t allow your dog to roam around the house after being neutered. According to ASPCAThe animal must be able to stand up and turn around in the housing unit. If your pet is small, carry him/her up and down stairs.” Even the vet will also recommend you let your dog rest for the next 48 hours, and avoid any physical activities. This includes no walking, playing, or running around the house because it increases the chances of stitches getting pulled out and leads to infections.


  1. Salmeri, K. R., Bloomberg, M. S., Scruggs, S. L., & Shille, V. (1991). Gonadectomy in immature dogs: effects on skeletal, physical, and behavioral development. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association198(7), 1193-1203.
  2. Dog Neuter Recovery: What to Expect. (2022, September 7) – PetMD
  3. Neutering in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospital. (n.d.) – VCA