How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Furniture?


Are you tired of battling the stubborn odor of dog gland secretions on your furniture? Don’t fret, because we’re here to help!

Dog Expreesing Glands on couch

In this blog, we’ll provide effective solutions and practical tips to banish that unpleasant dog gland smell once and for all. Say goodbye to a house that smells less than pleasant and hello to a fresh and inviting living space.

We’ll explore the causes of dog gland smell, offer immediate solutions for odor removal, and equip you with long-term strategies to prevent future incidents.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to restore a clean and odor-free environment. Let’s dive in and bid farewell to that lingering smell!

How Can I Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Furniture?

There are several methods you can try to get rid of dog gland smell on furniture, depending on the type and severity of the stain. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can absorb and neutralize odors. To use it, simply sprinkle some baking soda on the affected area and let it sit overnight.

Then, vacuum it up in the morning. You may need to repeat this process a few times until the smell is gone.

2. Use Commercial Pet Odor-Eliminating Products

There are many products available in pet stores or online that are specially designed to eliminate pet odors from furniture.

These products usually contain enzymes that break down the odor molecules and make them less noticeable.

To use them, follow the instructions on the label and spray or apply them on the stained spot. You may need to let them dry or wipe them off after a certain period of time.

Odor Eliminating Products

3. Use Biological Washing Powder

Biological washing powder is a type of detergent that contains enzymes that can remove stains and odors from fabrics.

To use it, mix some powder with water and apply it on the affected area. Then, scrub gently with a cloth or a brush and rinse with clean water. You may need to repeat this process until the smell is gone.

4. Use a Steam Cleaner

A steam cleaner is a device that uses hot water and steam to clean and sanitize surfaces.

It can be very effective for removing dog gland smell from furniture, as it can penetrate deep into the fibers and kill the bacteria and fungi that cause the odor.

To use it, fill the tank with water and add some vinegar or lemon juice for extra deodorizing power. Then, run the steam cleaner over the stained area until it is clean and dry.

Why Do Dogs Anal Glands Smells?

  • Dogs have two anal glands[1], one on either side of the anus, that secrete an odorous substance. Dogs communicate with one another and mark their territory using this fluid.
  • They may discover information about another dog’s age, sex, health, and sexual orientation by sniffing their bodily fluids or feces.
  • Dogs typically discharge the fluid when they urinate, but occasionally it might come out when they are frightened, overexcited, or anxious. This may leave stains and odors on your bedding, carpet, or furniture.
  • Anal gland issues[2], such as impaction, infection, or abscess, can also affect some dogs. The fluid may become thicker, darker, or stenchier than typical under certain circumstances.
  • They may also result in bruising, bleeding, bloating, or anus discomfort. Take your dog to the veterinarian for care if you see any of these symptoms in them.

How to Prevent Future Dog Gland Smell Incidents?

The best way to prevent dog gland smell incidents is to keep your dog’s anal glands healthy and functioning properly. Here are some tips to do that:

By Maintaining Hygiene

One of the simplest ways to prevent dog gland smell is to keep your dog’s rear end clean. You can do this by wiping their anus with a damp cloth after they defecate.

Gland Cleaning

This will help remove any excess fluid that may have accumulated in the glands.

By Consulting Veterinarian on a Regular Basis

Another way to prevent dog gland smell is to have your vet check your dog’s anal glands regularly[3]. Your vet can manually express the glands if they are too full or impacted.

They can also prescribe antibiotics or supplements if there is an infection.

By Feeding Your Dog a High-Fiber Diet

Dog Eating Pumpkin

A high-fiber diet can help your dog produce firm stools that can naturally squeeze out the fluid from their anal glands when they poop. 

You can add more fiber to your dog’s diet by giving them canned pumpkin[4], cooked fresh pumpkin, or unsalted pumpkin seeds.

You can also ask your vet for recommendations on high-fiber dog foods or supplements.

By Exercising Your Dog

Exercise can also help your dog express their anal glands naturally by stimulating their bowel movements and blood circulation.

Make sure your dog gets enough physical activity every day by taking them for walks, playing fetch, or engaging in other fun activities.


Why do dogs still smells after glands expressed?

Sometimes, dogs may still smell after their glands are expressed because there is some residual fluid left in their fur or skin. To get rid of this smell, you can wash your dog with a mild shampoo or wipe them with a wet cloth.

Which foods are helping dogs to express their glands?

Some foods that can help dogs express their glands are those that are high in fiber, such as pumpkin, carrots, apples, or oatmeal. These foods can bulk up their stools and make them easier to pass through their anal glands.

How to stop your dog from expressing glands on the couch?

To stop your dog from expressing glands on the couch, you can try restricting their access to the couch by using gates, crates, or covers. You can also train them to stay off the couch by using positive reinforcement techniques. Alternatively, you can provide them with a comfortable bed or blanket where they can relax without staining your furniture.

How often should I express my dog’s anal glands?

Anal gland expression frequency varies for dogs based on size, breed, diet, and health. While some dogs may never need it, others may require regular expression. It’s advised to have your vet check annually, or more if your dog shows discomfort or odor. You can also learn to express them yourself with proper tools and gentle pressure.


Nobody enjoys having a smelly sofa or bed, especially when your dog’s butt is the cause of the smell. But don’t worry, there are techniques to remove the dog gland odor from furniture and restore a new scent to your house.

In this blog post, We described dog glands and the causes of their foul odor. We also illustrated several efficient ways to eliminate pet odors from your furniture.

We hope you found this blog post helpful and informative, and don’t forget to share this post with your fellow dog owners who might be struggling with the same issue. Thank you for reading!


  1. Cvo, J. K. (2021). Anal Glands in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know. American Kennel Club. AKC
  2. Corbee, R. J., Woldring, H., Van Den Van Den Eijnde, L. M., & Wouters, E. G. (2021). A Cross-Sectional Study on Canine and Feline Anal Sac Disease. Animals, 12(1), 95. PubMed
  3. Paradigm. (2017). Exploring the Importance of Expressing Anal Glands of Dogs. Merryfield Academy. Merryfield Academy
  4. 1800PetMeds. (n.d.). 1800PetMeds. Retrieved May 31, 2023, from PetMeds