Why do Dogs Eat Dirt? Unearthing the Mystery


Dogs, our beloved four-legged companions, often exhibit behaviors that can leave us scratching our heads in confusion. One such perplexing behavior is their tendency to eat dirt.

Dogs Eat Dirt

While it might seem odd and even a bit worrying at first, there are actually several reasons behind this seemingly bizarre behavior.

In this article, we will dive into the world of canine instincts, biology, and psychology to uncover the reasons why dogs eat dirt and what you can do to help your dog avoid this habit.

What Is Pica?

Pica could be a term that depicts the eating of nonfood things, such as soil, rocks, paper, or clothing. Pica can influence mutts of any age, breed, or sexual orientation.

Pica Dog

It can be caused by different variables, such as dietary insufficiencies, behavioral issues[1], therapeutic conditions, or boredom.

Pica can be perilous for dogs because it can lead to choking, intestinal hindrance, dental harm, harming, or contamination. Subsequently, it is critical to recognize the cause of PICA and address it appropriately.

According to Dr. Barri J. Morrison, DVM, from PetMD, “Pica is a common condition where a dog consistently eats objects that are not food items. A dog needs to ingest the item—not just chew on it—for it to be considered pica.”

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt?

Dogs eat dirt for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common ones are:

Nutritional Deficiencies

A few pooches may eat soil since they are missing certain supplements in their count of calories, such as calcium, sodium, or minerals.

This may be the case if you give your puppy custom-made suppers that are not adjusted or total.

Nutritional Deficiencies in Dogs

Custom-made diets can be useful for mutts with certain wellbeing issues or hypersensitivities, but they require careful planning and supplementation to guarantee that your pooch gets all the supplements he needs.

To anticipate dietary deficiencies, you ought to consult your veterinarian about your dog’s calorie count and whether you would like to make any changes or include any supplements.

You ought to also select a high-quality commercial dog food that meets the World Little Creature Veterinary Association (WSAVA) dietary rules and is made by a trustworthy producer.


A few pooches may eat earth since they are essentially hungry and trying to find something to fill their stomachs.

This may happen on the off chance that you’re underfeeding your puppy or in the event that your canine has worms or parasites that are taking his supplements.

Hungry Dog

Underfeeding can also lead to dietary insufficiencies, which can encourage trigger pica[2].

To prevent hunger-related pica, you should feed your dog enough food according to his age, weight, activity level, and health status.

You should also regularly deworm your dog and keep him on good heartworm prevention.

Upset Stomach

A few mutts may eat earth since they have a disturbed stomach and are attempting to make themselves upchuck or relieve their stomachrelated tract.

This may happen if your canine has eaten something ruined, poisonous, or aggravating. Pooches may also eat grass for the same reason.

Dog Upset Stomach

To anticipate stomach-related pica, you ought to avoid giving your puppy any human foods that are zesty, greasy, salty, or sweet

You ought to also keep your canine away from any potential poisons, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, xylitol, or radiator fluid.

In the event that your pooch has an incessant gastrointestinal issue, such as gastritis or incendiary bowel disease[3] (IBD), you ought to consult your veterinarian about the best diet and treatment for your pooch.


Some dogs may eat dirt because they have anemia, which is a low red blood cell count[4].

Blood loss, parasites, infections, cancer, immune system diseases, or bleeding disorders are only a few of the causes of anemia. Your dog may become lethargic, feeble, and ironcraving due to anemia.

Anemia in Dogs

To avoid anemia-related pica, you ought to frequently check your puppy for any signs of dying or bruising.

You ought to also keep your pooch on a great insect and tick avoidance program, as these parasites can cause serious blood misfortune and contamination.

If you suspect that your puppy has frailty, you ought to take him to the vet for a blood test and treatment.

According to Dr. Lisa Fink, from PetMD “Left on the tooth surface and in the area surrounding the tooth, plaque incites the animal’s immune system, and an inflammatory response ensues, starting with gingivitis.”

Liver Disease

Some dogs may eat dirt because they have liver disease, which is a condition that affects the organ that filters toxins from the blood and produces bile for digestion.

Numerous things, including infections, poisons, tumors, or congenital anomalies, can lead to liver disease.

Liver Disease in Dogs

Liver disease can impair your dog’s metabolism and cause neurological symptoms[5] such as confusion, disorientation, or seizures.

To prevent liver disease-related pica , you should avoid giving your dog any medications, supplements, or herbs without consulting your vet.

You should also keep your dog away from any potential toxins, such as mushrooms, bluegreen algae, or acetaminophen. If you suspect that your dog has liver disease, you should take him to the vet for a blood test and treatment.


Some dogs may eat dirt because they are bored and looking for something to do. This may happen if you are not providing your dog with enough physical and mental stimulation, such as walks, playtime, toys, or training.

Boredom can also lead to other behavioral problems, such as chewing, digging, or barking.

Boredom in Dogs

To prevent boredom-related pica , you should make sure that your dog gets enough exercise and enrichment every day.

You should also provide your dog with a variety of toys that are safe and appropriate for his size and chewing style.

You can also use puzzle toys or fooddispensing toys to make your dog work for his food and keep his mind busy[6].


Some dogs may eat dirt because they are stressed and looking for a way to cope.

This may happen if your dog is exposed to any changes or challenges in his environment, such as moving, traveling, meeting new people, new pets, loud noises, or separation.

Stress can also cause your dog to develop anxiety or depression.

Dog in Stress

To avoid stress-related pica , you ought to attempt to play down any sources of stress for your canine and give him with a secure and comfortable place to unwind

You ought to also utilize positive reinforcement and desensitization strategies to help your pooch overcome any fears.

In the event that your canine has extreme uneasiness or depression, you ought to counsel your vet about the finest medicine or treatment for your puppy.

How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Dirt

If you notice that your dog is eating dirt, you should not ignore it or punish him for it. Instead, you should try to find out the cause of his behavior and address it accordingly.

Here are some steps that you can take to stop your dog from eating dirt:

  • Take your dog to the vet for a check-up and a blood test to rule out any medical issues that may be causing his pica .
  • Review your dog’s diet and make sure that he is getting enough food and nutrients that are suitable for his age, weight, activity level, and health status.
  • Provide your dog with enough exercise and enrichment every day to keep him physically and mentally stimulated and happy.
  • Avoid giving your dog any human foods that may upset his stomach or cause toxicity.
Dog Eating Human Food
  • Keep your dog away from any potential toxins or parasites that may harm his health.
  • Use positive reinforcement and redirection techniques to teach your dog to leave the dirt alone and focus on something else.
  • Deny access to any areas where your dog likes to eat dirt or cover them with a fence, a net, or a repellent spray.
  • Seek professional help from a veterinarian behaviorist or a certified dog trainer if your dog’s pica is severe or persistent.


How can I tell if my dog’s dirt eating is due to nutritional deficiencies?

If your dog consistently exhibits dirt-eating behavior, it could indicate a nutritional deficiency.
Consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination and potential blood tests to determine if your dog’s diet requires adjustments.

Can boredom lead to dirt-eating behavior?

Yes, dogs might eat dirt out of boredom. Lack of mental and physical stimulation can cause dogs to engage in unusual behaviors.
Ensuring your dog receives adequate exercise, playtime, and mental enrichment can help prevent boredom-related behaviors.

Is it safe for my dog to eat a small amount of dirt occasionally?

In general, a small amount of dirt is unlikely to cause harm. However, keep an eye on your dog to ensure they’re not ingesting harmful substances along with the dirt.
Regularly monitor your dog’s overall health and behavior to detect any changes.

Can puppies also exhibit dirt-eating behavior?

Yes, puppies can also engage in dirt-eating behavior. Just like human babies explore the world by putting things in their mouths, puppies use their mouths to learn about their environment.
However, if you notice excessive dirt-eating in a puppy, it’s important to monitor and guide them to prevent any potential health risks.

Are there any natural alternatives to prevent dirt-eating?

Providing alternative sources of minerals and nutrients, such as appropriate fruits and vegetables, can help address any potential deficiencies that might lead to dirt-eating.
However, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian before introducing new foods to your dog’s diet.


While the sight of your pet chomping on dirt may be unsettling, it’s essential to note that this activity is not unusual and is typically the result of a combination of natural impulses, health considerations, and behavioral reasons.

If you’re worried about your dog’s dirt-eating habits, see a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical concerns and get advice on how to deal with the problem.

We hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of why dogs eat dirt and what you can do to help your dog avoid this bad habit. Remember, dogs eat dirt for a purpose, and it is up to us to figure out what that purpose is.

As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to provide balanced nutrition, appropriate mental stimulation, and a caring atmosphere that fosters healthy behaviors and inhibits the formation of potentially detrimental habits for our pets.


  1. Common dog behavior issues (n.d.) | ASPCA
  2. Pica in dogs: Causes, diagnosis and treatment | Best Friends Animal Society
  3. Inflammatory bowel disease in the dog: Differences and similarities with humans | World Journal of Gastroenterology
  4. Anemia l University College of Veterinary Medicine
  5. Nervous system disorders and effects of injuries in dogs | MSD Veterinary Manual
  6. Bored Dogs: How to recognize and solve doggy boredom | American Kennel Club