Why Does My Dog Lick My Belly Button? Understand Your Dog’s Behavior


Do you have a dog that loves to lick your belly button? If so, you may be wondering why does my dog lick my belly button. Is it a sign of affection, curiosity, or something else? And how can you stop it if it bothers you?

Why does my dog lick my belly button

In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain the different reasons why dogs lick human belly buttons We will also provide some tips and advice on how to deter your dog from licking your belly button.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why your dog licks your belly button and how to deal with this behavior.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Belly Button So Much?

Have you ever wondered why your dog licks your belly button? You may think it is cute, funny, or annoying, but do you know what it means? Dogs lick for various reasons, and some of them may surprise you.

Dog show affection or their anxiousness

In this section, we will explain the different reasons why dogs lick human belly buttons, and how to deal with this behavior.

#1 Dog Lick Your Belly Button: Need Affection and Attention

  • Dogs frequently kiss people’s belly buttons as a way of expressing love and care. Dogs show their love and strengthen their bonds with their owners by licking.
  • Endorphins[1] are hormones that make both people and dogs feel happy, and they are released during licking.
  • When dogs are bored or lonely, they may lick their belly buttons to begin play or seek their owners’ attention.
  • Dogs learn to lick as a natural action from their moms and littermates, and it may also be a show of deference or respect within the canine social structure.
  • As a result, when your dog licks your belly button, they are expressing their emotions and attempting to get your attention.

#2 Dog Lick Your Belly Button: For Curiosity and Taste

  • To satisfy their curiosity and sense of taste, dogs also lick women’s belly buttons. Dogs are perceptive creatures who use their tongues and noses to examine the environment.
  • Dogs’ taste senses may be attracted to the sweaty, salty belly buttons. Dogs may lick their navels out of curiosity or because they like the taste of the germs, perspiration, and oils that build up there.
  • While to us this may appear disgusting, it is typical for dogs to lick objects that smell or taste appealing.
  • In contrast, there are certain health hazards associated with this for both humans and dogs since the belly button may harbor germs or fungus that can lead to infections or allergies.

#3 Dog Lick Your Belly Button: For Grooming and Cleaning

  • Dogs lick your belly button for cleaning and grooming. Licking their skin and fur is how dogs groom themselves and one another.
  • This aids in cleaning their coats of debris, parasites, dead cells, and extra oils.
Dog has a strong sense of smell and he enjoys the taste
  • In the grooves of belly buttons, germs, oils, and debris that can produce smells or diseases can live.
  • Dogs sometimes lick their belly buttons to help keep them clean or get rid of any foreign things that could be lodged there.
  • Dogs only groom people they believe to be a part of their pack, thus doing so is another way to demonstrate care and trust.

#4 Dog Lick Your Belly Button: To Show Dominance and Communication

  • A fourth reason why dogs lick human belly buttons is because of dominance and communication. Dogs communicate with each other through body language and vocalizations.
  • Licking can be a sign of submission or respect in the dog hierarchy, as lower-ranking dogs lick higher-ranking ones to show deference or appeasement.
  • Dogs may lick human belly buttons to show their respect or loyalty to their owners, who they view as their leaders.
  • However, licking can also be a sign of dominance or challenge, as some dogs may lick human belly buttons to test their boundaries or assert their authority over them.
  • This can be a problem if the dog does not respect the owner’s commands or rules.

#5 Dog Lick Your Belly Button: Because of Hormonal Changes and Pregnancy

  • A fifth reason why dogs lick human belly buttons is because of hormonal changes and pregnancy.
  • Dogs have a keen sense of smell that can detect subtle changes in hormone levels in humans.
  • Hormonal changes can occur in humans due to various factors, such as pregnancy, menstruation, stress, or illness.
Dog lick your belly button because of hormonal changes and pregnancy
  • Dogs may lick human belly buttons to sense these changes or offer comfort or support to their owners.
  • Some anecdotal stories suggest that dogs can sense pregnancy in humans before they even take a pregnancy test, and may change their behavior accordingly.
  • Some dogs may become more protective, attentive, or affectionate during pregnancy, while others may become more rebellious, anxious, or jealous.

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Belly Button

If your dog licks your belly button, you may find it amusing or annoying, but you may also wonder how to stop it. While licking is a natural and harmless behavior for dogs, it can also be a nuisance or a health risk for humans.

My dog keep licking my belly button

In this section, we will provide some tips and advice on how to stop your dog from licking your belly button, and how to train them to respect your personal space.

Keep Your Belly Button Clean and Dry

  • Keeping your belly button clean and dry can prevent your dog from licking it, as it removes the dirt, oils, sweat, and bacteria that may attract your dog’s curiosity and taste.[2]
  • Clean your belly button with soap and water or saltwater solution, using a cotton swab, a washcloth, or your fingers to gently massage the area and rinse it well.
  • Applying some lotion or cream to your belly button after cleaning it, to moisturize it and mask any odors that may still linger.
  • But warns against applying too much as it can create a moist environment that can promote bacterial growth and make your belly button dirty again.
  • Benefits of keeping your belly button clean and dry, such as deterring your dog from licking it, improving your hygiene.
  • And preventing infections, and recommends cleaning your belly button at least once a week, or more often if you sweat a lot or have a piercing.

Redirect Your Dog’s Attention

Transfer Your Dog’s Focus Redirecting your dog’s focus on anything else will also prevent them from licking your navel.

This can assist in breaking their behavior and instilling in them the notion that licking one’s belly button is improper.

You may persuade your dog to pay attention to you instead of your belly button by utilizing a sound, a command, or an action.

Redirect your dog's attention

a). Use a sound to redirect your dog’s attention: To redirect your dog’s attention, you can use a sound that you have previously associated with a reward, such as a “tsch”, a clicker, or your dog’s name.

When your dog tries to lick your belly button, make the sound in a happy voice and reward them when they look at you.

This will help to reinforce the desired behavior and make them more likely to respond to the sound in the future.

b). Use a command to redirect your dog’s attention: You can also use a command that you have taught your dog, such as “sit”, “stay”, or “come”.

When your dog tries to lick your belly button, give them the command in a firm but calm voice and reward them when they obey. This will help to redirect their energy and show them that you are in control.

c). Offer an alternative activity to redirect your dog’s attention: Another option is to offer your dog an alternative activity, such as playing with a toy, giving them a treat, or petting them on another body part.

When your dog tries to lick your belly button, gently push them away or turn your body away from them and give them something else to do. This will help to distract them and satisfy their need for stimulation.

d). Be consistent and patient when redirecting your dog’s attention: Being patient and consistent are crucial to getting your dog to pay attention to anything else.

After your dog stops licking your navel, compliment them and give them a treat for their wonderful work.

To prevent your dog from becoming more agitated or confused, don’t chastise or reprimand them for licking your belly button.

Show them what to do instead, and make it more gratifying than having them lick your belly button.

Train Your Dog to Stop Licking on Command

  • Teach your dog a simple command, such as “no”, “stop”, or “leave it”, that tells them to stop licking anything they are not supposed to.
  • Use positive reinforcement, such as treats, praise, or affection, to reward your dog when they obey the command.[3]
  • Be consistent and patient with your training and repeat it until your dog learns to stop licking on cue.


Why does my dog keep licking belly?

Dogs might lick their belly for various reasons, such as pain, skin irritation, allergies, boredom, or parasites, and advises to check their belly for any signs of problems and consult a veterinarian if needed.

Why does my dog lick my pregnant belly?

Dogs might lick your pregnant belly because they can sense the hormonal changes in your body and are curious, affectionate, or protective of you and your baby, and suggests that some dogs might even be able to hear or communicate with the baby.

Why does my dog lick me when I rub his belly?

Dogs lick you when you rub their belly because they are enjoying the sensation and want to express their love and gratitude, but warns that excessive or aggressive licking might indicate that they want you to stop or that they are trying to dominate you.

Why do dogs hold you down and lick you?

When dogs hold you down and lick you, it can be a display of dominance or a way to assert their control over you. This behavior might be seen in dogs that have not been properly trained or socialized. They may perceive the act of holding you down as a way to establish themselves as the pack leader.


We really hope you liked reading this article and discovered something new about Why does my dog lick my belly button. Dogs may lick people’s belly buttons for a variety of reasons, some of which may surprise you, as you can see.

  • Dogs lick for a variety of purposes, including communication, dominance, grooming, taste, curiosity, hormone changes, and pregnancy.
  • They also lick to demonstrate affection and attention. While licking is a normal and healthy action for dogs, it can sometimes cause annoyance or pose a health concern for people.
  • Because of this, if your dog’s belly button licking irritates you or causes you any difficulties, you should know how to stop them.
  • Keeping your belly button dry and clean, diverting your dog’s attention, or teaching them to stop licking on cue are all effective ways to do this.

You can stop your dog from licking your belly button and strengthen your bond with them by heeding the instructions and recommendations in this article. Thank you for reading this post.


  1. Cronenwett, J. L., Baver-Neff, B. S., Grekin, R. J., & Sheagren, J. N. (1986). The role of endorphins and vasopressin in canine endotoxin shock. Journal of Surgical Research, 41(6), 609–619. – JSR
  2. Kuschmider, R. (2021, September 30). Things that can go wrong with your belly button. WebMD. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from – WebMD
  3. Henton, L. (2023, July 13). Compulsive Disorders In Dogs And Cats: How To Manage Behaviors – Texas A&M Today. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from – Texas A&M Today